Art Direction
Experimenting with LED lighting effects in photography, by shining the Blue light at the pot plant in a dark room.
Experimenting with LED lighting effects in photography, by shining the Blue light at the pot plant in a dark room.

An art-directed Red Bull commercial aimed at rebranding the drink as a sophisticated and luxurious beverage.

The Light - A Storyboard Concept
Two characters are driving to investigate what's causing the light. The characters are following the direction of the smoke drifting through the sky.
The two characters step outside the vehicle to look through the binoculars to get a closer look to see what is causing the light.
Looking through the binoculars the characters can see some flames in the distance.
Both characters decide to investigate on foot and travel a long distance up the road away from the vehicle.
After arriving at the scene, the characters discovered the light was an exploded car. The two men are exhausted and in panic. ZombiesĀ appear in the shadows near the trees in the background.
The zombies get closer and surround both characters and are ready to attack.

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